Why are there Teddy Bears Dressed as Other Animals? It’s creepy and perverted. Isn’t it enough to be a stuffed bear, for chrissake?!?? Does it have to be a bear and a frog at the same time? I’d like to have witnessed the unfortunate copulation that resulted in such a freakish toy.
WTF, Teddy Bears Dressed as Credit cards?!?!?!?!
So Sick, So Wrong, it could only be described as Brilliant
There's no Gift Like a Box-o-Fear™
Brace yourself for a TBDOA-like-phenomena extravaganza:
Oh. My.
Cap'n Marrrk sent me this link. Somehow, it reminded him of me.
(Click picture to follow link)
He knows me so well.
How horrific is this?!?!? Amputees!
Teddy Bears Dressed as Bears ... they taunt us! They mock our pain, and that is not to be tolerated.